Does the lense or the product fit into my helmet?

Yes every item will fit, because I make it fit before shipping it. After your order we will talk about your dimensions and then I make a custom fit without any additional costs. Excluded are standard products from known manufacturers like Rubies, Hasbro, Troopermaster, RS Propmasters, Shepperton, ironmotion, skygunbros, Anovos, Sean Fields or others.
Does I get an approval with the products in the 501st, Rebel Legion, Mando Mercs or at other costume clubs?

Well it depends on the guy who is approving your costume. But I am also a 501st active Member and know the standard which are necessary. I build my props only after 501st standards and no item wasn´t approved in the past. If this will happen, you will get a modified replacement for free to get the approval.

Does anyone can look through the visors / lenses into the helmet?

It depends on the colour you choose, if you choose a brighter colour like yellow or blue you have to add a mesh. This is in every product as an add on available. The colours like black, grey, deep red, green does not need a mesh, through this colour nobody can see the interior like your eyes.

What about the vision of the lense?

The vision is totally clear, it will be like you wearing sunglasses. Excluded are the bubble Lenses.

Which material you use for the visor / lense?

I use high quality material (plastic-glass compound) to manufacture the visors and lenses. The material will normally used in the sunglasses production.

Does they have UV-protection?

Yes they have full UV-protection.

Why is the vision a little distorted at the bubble lenses?

I work very hard on my tools and the techniques how to manufacture them. On some products like the First Order Stormtrooper the view is absolutely clear, on other the like the Tie-Pilot bubbles you have little distortion in the highest point. This comes from the manufacturing process, and can´t be avoided. But I work on this constantly to improve the quality, but at this point I deliver the best quality of the view which is available on the market.

Can i make the visor / lenses fit to my helmet?

The material is very flexible, you can easily adapt it to your helmet. If the dimensions will not fit, please tell me I will offer you a solution for that.

Can i pick up my items local or somewhere else?

Yes of course, if you want to pick up the items tell me. You can visit me in my workshop or I will bring the item to convention or a troop.
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